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Moving temperature-sensitive products? The loading dock is a vital part of the cold chain.

Produce, frozen foods, and flowers—these are just some of the temperature-sensitive products that consumers buy all the time. But did you ever ask yourself—how did my ice cream get from the cow to my supermarket in perfect, creamy condition?

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Need a Forklift? – Let’s Review the Types Available.

Forklifts are one of the most significant, multipurpose pieces of equipment used in the material handling industry. Lift trucks come in various types and sizes, engineered for operations ranging from large warehouses and manufacturing plants to small garage-based businesses.

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Twisting, Bending, and Lifting?  Solutions to Make Your Workplace Safer.

Keeping your employees' injuries to a minimum can be a challenge, especially when someone’s job duties consist of repetitive twisting, bending, and lifting. Although back injuries account for no work-related deaths, they do account for a significant amount of human suffering, loss of productivity, and economic burden on compensation systems.

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Let’s Hear it for Spring Cleaning—Forklift Style!

After a long, unpredictable winter in NE Pennsylvania, we welcome Spring—celebrating the promise of warmer weather and longer days. But as we eagerly await golf, gardening and all things outdoors; let’s shift to the task of Spring cleaning—forklift style.

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Respect the Forklift! The Importance of Certified Training Programs

Did you know that 20,000 employees are seriously injured in warehouse forklift-related incidents every year in the United States? Aside from keeping your employees safe, increasing productivity and promoting awareness, OSHA and the Department of Labor require an employer to provide training and certification for each person permitted to operate powered industrial trucks or aerial work platforms.

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Safety controls or productivity demands? This revolutionary machine addresses both.

Nearly every application that involves the movement of people or products can benefit from the WAVE. The Crown Work Assist Vehicle is not only an advancement in workplace safety, but it’s extremely useful. Designed to improve safety and efficiency in situations where ladders are typically used, the Wave is the ideal piece of equipment to assist workers in a variety of lift and load material handling operations.

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Showing 89 - 94 of 94 Articles
